LOAN AND INVESTMENT BY A COMPANY What is Inter-Corporate Loan? Whenever a Company gives (Either directly or indirectly) Any Loan: To any person* OR any other Body Corporate; Any Guarantee or provide security: To any person* OR any other Body… Continue Reading →
In this Article we are discussed Compliance and provision to be followed with respect to the loan from shareholders by Private Limited Company: A. Applicability of Section of Companies Act, 2013 Section 73: Prohibition on Acceptance of Deposit and relevant… Continue Reading →
Obtaining COI (Certificate of Incorporation) is the First and far most Step for your Company. The company is born as an artificial legal person, operates by the directors and shareholders of the company. Directors of the Company acting as Brain… Continue Reading →
Transfer of shares- General Background: The ownership of a private limited company is determined by the shareholding of the Company. To introduce new investors or transfer ownership of the Company, the share of the private limited company would have to… Continue Reading →
How to Register a Company in India? Registration of a company in India is now a simple process. Here what you’ll need to Procure: I. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) II. Director Identification Number (DIN) III. Registration on the MCA Portal IV. Receive Certificate of… Continue Reading →
INDIAN GOVERNMENT CHANGED FDI RULES GOVERNMENT APPROVAL TO BE TAKEN FOR FDI IN INDIA FROM NEIGHBOURING COUNTRIES INCLUDING CHINA As on 18th April, 2020, The Government of India has made some changes in its FDI Policy, w.e.f the notification Government… Continue Reading →
MCA ADVISORY _Preventive measure for the spread of COVID-19 Due to the pandemic threat of COVID-19 and in order to generate great Awareness and confidence in our state of readiness, MCA has issued an advisory for Companies and LLP’s. “WORK… Continue Reading →
As per Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Amendment Rules,2020_Notification New Delhi, the 19th March 2020, the meetings on the referred matters can be held through video- conferencing or Audiovisual means. Due to the threat of the Pandemic outbreak… Continue Reading →
In pursuance to subsection (1) and (2) of section 469 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment in the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014, namely:- 1. Short Title and Commencement: – I. These Rules may be called… Continue Reading →
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) recently introduced a form SPICe+ (pronounced as “SPICe PLUS”) for the incorporation of Company as per the Companies Act, 2013, as initiatives of Government of India Ease of Doing Business (EODB). It would be… Continue Reading →
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